Anne of Green Gables
This tale follows the adventures of Anne, a young, red-haired orphan who has spent her entire childhood being passed around from one foster home to the next. Until one day she is sent to Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert by mistake. While trying to adopt a boy to help work on their farm, the...
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This tale follows the adventures of Anne, a young, red-haired orphan who has spent her entire childhood being passed around from one foster home to the next. Until one day she is sent to Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert by mistake. While trying to adopt a boy to help work on their farm, the Cuthbert's ended up with Anne, who they could not send away after learning that an evil woman in town was attempting to adopt her. Anne gains many friendships in her new town with her eager, quick-witted, and bright attitude. While working on the farm, she also finds herself excelling in school and aspires to become a teacher.
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Format: Audio CD
9781520002750 (1520002750)
ASIN: 1520002750
Publish date: 2016-03-22
Publisher: Dreamscape Media
Edition language: English
Yes, this is my first time reading it. I was book shopping back in January with my 9 year old niece and she was pressuring me to read Little Women, which isn't going to happen, and in a panic, I volunteered to read Anne of Green Gables instead. Keeping in mind that I'm 40 years beyond the target ...
This is a book that I never thought I would actually read. I thought the time to read it had passed me by. But it's on the NPR list I'm reading my way through, so I finally picked it up and was very pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed the book and love Anne as a character. The book is fun, funny ...
This series was one of my childhood favorites, and lately, I've seen it making the blogging rounds and had a need to reread it.I'm so glad I did!I flew through it, yet, I savored it. It took me back to my own adolescence when my love for Green Gables first came about. I love it as much today as I di...
Lexile Level: 760 L This classic coming of age story by L.M. Montgomery tells the story of an orphan named Anne with a strong personality and a huge imagination. Anne stands out from her peers because of her uncontrollable imagination and her expansive vocabulary. Anne makes a great role model fo...
Hello hello everyone and how are you all?! I am doing so great! I know I haven't been back for quiet some time and there is no excuse. But, I am back and I'm excited to be back. So, for today as you can see I am going to be doing another review and that is Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery and...