This long but fascinating biography is a very thorough account of the life and times of Great Britain’s Queen Anne. I somehow knew almost nothing about this era, the late 1600’s and early 1700’s, but Queen Anne: The Politics of Passion convincingly presents it as pivotal. As the last Stuart monarch...
Interesting, if dry, look at an actual murder case from the 1600's in England. The Earl and Countess of Somerset are charged with the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury by means of poison and possibly witchcraft. While I did find the story interesting, the writing was fairly dry and and I kept getting si...
Takes a wider look at the celebrated Affair of the Poisons, which caused great scandal, and may have brought down Madame de Montespan, one of Louis XIV's mistresses. For a fictional look at the same story, try Judith Merkle Riley's book, The Oracle Glass.For the full review, please go here:http://ww...