Annette Spaulding-Convy is a poet and editor in the Seattle area. Her full length collection, "In Broken Latin", is published by the University of Arkansas Press (Fall 2012) as a finalist for the Miller Williams Poetry Prize. Her chapbook, "In The Convent We Become Clouds", won the 2006 Floating...
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Annette Spaulding-Convy is a poet and editor in the Seattle area. Her full length collection, "In Broken Latin", is published by the University of Arkansas Press (Fall 2012) as a finalist for the Miller Williams Poetry Prize. Her chapbook, "In The Convent We Become Clouds", won the 2006 Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, North American Review, Crab Orchard Review and in the International Feminist Journal of Politics, among others. She is co-editor of the literary journal, Crab Creek Review, and is co-founder and co-editor of Two Sylvias Press, which has published the first eBook anthology of contemporary women's poetry, "Fire On Her Tongue".You can visit Annette:
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