by James Baldwin, Dion Graham
"So what can we really do for each other except--just love each other and be each other's witness?" When I finished Another Country, it brought tears to my eyes. There's so much suffering exquisitely depicted alongside glimmers of love and beauty, such whole, flawed characters. Like the recently r...
Broke my heart. Baldwin is an amazing writer. The beginning and end were most vivid for me. I'm struggling with the words for how this book made me feel, but I couldn't put it down. Everyone's story was fascinating, every main character felt fleshed out and relevant to me.
[...]not unless you're willing to ask yourself how you'd have made it, if they dumped on you what they dumped on Rufus. And you can't ask yourself that question because there's no way in the world for you to know what Rufus went through, not in this world, not as long as you're white.Πρόκειται για έ...
A small knot of people in Greenwich Village become friends, sleep together, abuse each other, emotionally and physically, and yet, somehow you can still believe that they care for each other. Their relationships are fluid, but 'Another Country' demonstrates how devastating the wounds those relations...
They were not cursing something they longed for and feared, they were joking about something they longed for and loved.p. 104Whenever I read something that's been accepted as a "classic" or "masterpiece" there's always a part of me that wants to just kinda like it, or actively dislike it, just so th...
i hesitate to give this book 4 stars instead of 5. it certainly is a 5 star for content and social commentary, but there were times when the writing felt a little heavy or slow. and i hesitate to write that, because this is james baldwin, and he is a master. i assume that there were times when i ...
This review contains spoilers and swearing. I've read a fair few pro romance novels and an utter boatload of slash fan fiction so I think you will know to listen with awe when I tell you that this novel is the most outrageous example of Healing Cock I have ever read. And not just any Healing Cock: G...