by Celia Bryce
So, a story about a girl who is a cancer patient, meets another guy her age in the cancer ward, falls in love with him, recovers from her cancer, family drama, etc. You know, this sounds pretty familiar and I haven't even read a single John Green book in my life. I'm tempted to say that the romanc...
You can check out my full review here.
2 stars.My full review, including quotes and dream cast, can be found on Swoony Boys Podcast.You know whenever you're dealing with cancer, especially kids with cancer, that it's going to be an emofest. Megan is just 14 when she finds out that she's got a brain tumor. She'll have to undergo chemo t...í este libro con cierta reticencia: por un lado, la sinopsis me parecía sospechosamente idéntica al famoso libro escrito por John Green, Bajo la misma estrella (libro que lamentablemente no he podido leer aún) y por...
Anthem for Jackson Dawes broke my heart. It's bittersweet and took me on a roller coaster of emotions. Cancer. It doesn't discriminate, and it is most cruel when it attacks ones we love. Or little ones. And in this story Megan finds herself in the pediatric oncology floor of the hospital and hear...
I was sent a copy of this book by Bloomsbury publishing in exchange for an honest review.Megan Bright has just been diagnosed with cancer and is admitted to a children’s ward in hospital to undergo treatment. She’s sullen, upset that it’s messing with her life and annoyed by all the dancing elephant...