bookshelves: autumn-2015, poland, published-2007, translation, play-dramatisation, mystery-thriller Recommended to Bettie☯ by: Isca Silurum Recommended for: BBC Radio Listeners Read from October 11 to 23, 2015 Radio 4 continues its journey a...
I bought this book based on the new edition having a chapter based on the Gezi Park protests of the last year. I live in Istanbul and was out with my husband and friends the night the protests began. We were in a bar off of Istiklal (the main street in the Taksim area) and had tear gas canisters roc...
I liked the first book in this series, "Entanglement," but I liked this one even more. The main character, Prosecutor Teodor Szacki, is more sympathetic in this one (he seemed a bit misogynistic in the first one), and the mystery had even more layers to it. The many-dimensional issue of Polish-Jewis...
A little bit meandering, and I felt like to really appreciate it, I would have had to be as learned as the author about early Christian history. But it touches on some other things that interest me more, such as the Yugoslavian conflict and post-Communism in Poland, plus it's mostly set in the area ...