by Nora Raleigh Baskin, Tom Parks
Also Reviewed on to type a review for Anything but Typical is proving to be difficult. There’s very little that I can say about it because, ironically, it was a completely typical b...
This book is about a 12 yo boy named Jason Blake and he has autism and he just wants to fit in. The whole book is written in his perspective to us NT's or neurotypical's. He's telling us what everyday life is like for him & how he copes with it. Jason is not very good at verbally expressing his feel...
A nicely written book. At times I felt a little lost, but I believe that was the goal of the story.
I had a hard time getting through this. Jason never felt real to me, the book overall felt to "writerly". However, when we finally get to Texas, the whole story jelled somewhat. Honestly, I just never quite understood why Jason felt compelled to tell his story to us.
Kids on the spectrum are the new hot topic, I think. This book did a creditable job of getting inside the head of an autistic teen who finds himself facing some of his, oh, let's call 'em fears. The voice rings achingly true, the anxiety around going to the convention is palpable and honest. The par...
I loved this book so much. I'm still crying over it as I write this.
Well, well, well. I didn't know what to think of this book when I first heard about it, if you want to know the truth. These were the days before "Mockingbird," before I had any sort of faith that a book about an individual on the autism spectrum could really get into their head. I mean, sure, I'd s...
I was really, really impressed with this. The author drew me in quickly with Jason's voice; I immediately felt as though I was in his head, and his thought process was demystified. It was almost painful, at times, to read Jason's thoughts, and know that he wants to answer someone's question, to expl...