by Sarah Mayberry
This review can also be found on Portable Pieces of Thought-blog.Sam Kirk and Delaney Michaels are in love. He just doesn’t know it yet. She’s known it since she was fourteen but has managed to convince herself that he won’t ever return her feelings, so why bother telling him. No, instead of talking...
I finished this book but once the plot was established after the first few pages the rest of the story was basically the characters agonizing over the situation with some sex thrown in and a clueless hero. I skimmed most of it. Delaney wants to sell her half to her business partner who is also her...
cute friends to lovers story that has the light and fun quality to it that I've come to enjoy from Sarah Mayberry.
These books are such fun, quick reads.
One of the best friends-to-lovers stories I've read. Mayberry gives us both Sam and Delaney's perspectives, and it's both frustrating and wonderfully romantic to watch them come to realization that they love each other. Steamy love scenes, great dialogue and great characterization - all of which I...
I might write a proper review later, I might not. Nothing about this really stuck out at me one way or the other, and those books are the hardest to review. I'd say this is a 3.5 rather than a flat 3. It has Mayberry's talented writing and pacing going for it, but relied on one too many cliches to b...
I have to say, this is one of my favorite books. I borrowed it from a friend a couple years ago and haven't managed to give it back since.The emotions it evoked were incredible. The utter pain that ran through me at so many times in this book just exemplifies Mayberry's amazing ability to use words ...
3.5 stars. Something was missing in the character development but I can't put my finger on it. There was also too much thinking and debating with the heads of the characters which is something I'm not fond of.
Awesome story! I never expect much from Blaze (or other Harelquin) titles, but this was a great great book! In particular, I loved the heroine! It was all or nothing, no second best for her! Unlike so many heroines, she doesn't give in to the Hero at the frop of a hat... No, she sticks to her guns, ...
Was a little worried when I started this book. Not crazy about a hero who has a name for his penis (Little Sam. Really??) and dreadlocks. The second issue eventually resolves itself but I did cringe every time he talked to "Little Sam."This is decent friends-to-lovers category romance. Because it's...