by Cat Grant
This book is the sequel to The First Real Thing. Cameron has bought Icon (a bar) and is running it with Mike who also provides the stage show as Diva Michelle. I don't usually overly enjoy characters in drag but Mike is a wonderful character. The story centres around his relationship with Ryan, a yo...
Every bit as good - if not a smidge better - than the first book in this series! I like Mike...Mike can stay!
Ryan hasn't caught a break in a long time, so landing a job at the bar Cameron and Mike own is just what he needs.Sparks fly between Ryan and Mike,but jealousy and secrets cause a major rift between them. But it's a love story, so no worries! I did think their fight broke out very quickly and was r...
I can't believe I'm going to say this because I really liked The First Real Thing, but I think I loved this one more. Mike was such a darling. I fell in love with him in The First Real Thing, but this book just solidified it. I also really got a fondness for Ryan that I didn't have when I met hi...
Characterization, self-conflict, courting, and chemistry ... this book has it all. To be completely honest, I even feel that this one is so much better than the first book, except for one niggle. I love the contrast stark between Mike (and his "Diva Michelle) and Ryan. Mike with his loud existence, ...
Very good m/m romance about a singer/drag queen/bar co-owner who's fascinated by the cute, skittish guy who recently started working at the bar. You really need to read The First Real Thing before you read this book!