Any being not perfectly symmetrical is stupid. Girl fairies grow enormous blossoms on their back, yet boy fairies only have a little pollen on their wrists, I feel cheated out of a boy-blossom here! It is perfectly ok for a teen to eat nothing but strawberries and canned fruit and for her parents to...
I didn't expect too much from this series to begin with, mainly because I haven't heard really anything about it. The description was kind of okay but didn't really make me want to buy it, so I suppose it was a bit of luck when it popped up for free briefly for the Kindle.The story isn't terribly di...
More like 2.5 stars.My name is Sash but you can call me 'Team Best Friend'. I am, without a doubt, almost always pulling for the best friend in the love triangle. Well, what do you do when BOTH boys are the best friend? You don't know which one to choose - that's what. Sigh, now that I've gotten my ...