by Glenn Beck
I love Glenn Beck so this book was on a get-as-soon-as-possible list. It was a fun fast read and very informative.
I must admit I skimmed most of this book. This is not a book meant for reading. It is full of little cute charts (Beck's book equivalent of the blackboard), blurbs, cartoons, etc. This is a Libertarian primer for the ADD person. It even has little "ADD moments" nicely labeled. It's a good book to ge...
Q&A format for answering liberal "touchy-feely" emotion-based concerns with hard facts, from history and experience (i.e., statistics) of America and other nations (e.g., the U.K. experience is cited often in the chapter on health care) to documents of the Founding Fathers of the U.S.A. - and all of...
Not my favorite Glenn Book, this one had his classic blowhardishness which can be present in some of his books. I think he has written better books on the same topic that was not so emotionally based.
Because the Obama administration is trying to control your mind with their volunteers. mwuhahaha.