Ariel Levy
Birth date: October 17, 1974
Ariel Levy's Books
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Ariel Levy has not had an easy time of it when she writes this book. My heart went out to her, and I respected her ability to form a sentence, let alone write a book after the horrible loss she endured. It's hard to review these things. She does a remarkable job of explaining the loss of her child...
There are things I liked about this book and things I did not like.Overall, it was a quick and easy read. The reason for this is that the majority of the text is comprised of cultural/media examples and ancecdotes/interviews of female chauvinist pigs. While these were interesting, they showed limite...
Female Chauvinist Pigs is an interesting read but unfortunately a bit dated. Although it was published in the middle of the last decade, it felt a bit old, especially when specific individuals were mentioned to support issues of FCP. However, many of the elements/issues it contained are simply commo...
This doesn't offer any answers, just questions and the questions are pretty disturbing. This book was read while a man justifies a t-shirt that says "no+rhyphonol=yes" with a "not intended for ugly feminists"; where a book for children depicts a tomboy princess realising that dressing up is the way...
Did you know Barbie dolls were modelled after blonde German sex dolls called Bild Lilli? Disturbing to know I played with a sex doll as a child. o_OChapter One: Raunch CulturePublished in 2006 one would assume Female Chauvinist Pigs would be fairly up-to-date, but it becomes obvious quite quickly th...