Rated Broken Heart - :(Dolphin Shifters - 2; SRAL - 0DNF - 40%This is the second dolphin shifter story I've tried that just didn't work for me. It's not the shifters either, them I like. It's the plots behind the stories that I just couldn't get into.When reading, to me, it's something like searchin...
I really enjoyed this story. Although the progression was faster and not quite realistic for a virgin, it was well written, with a nice plot. Also part of a series, so I'd be interested to see where it leads.I really liked Alex; he came across as a loveable character and Peter was a refreshing surpr...
I had trouble with Peter taking Alex's virginity in a jeep on the side of the road, and I'm pretty sure he was wearing a condom when they started, but by the end of the sex scene, he was bare?! But I enjoyed it, so I'm continuing with the series.
FOUR HEARTS-- (I'm doing a jig as you can tell)Imagine you're a sarcastic, snobbish (when it comes to music), swearing Welshman in Ireland with your American friend on the summer solstice. You play the violin, you don't think you're that attractive (which you're fine with-mostly) and are prepared to...