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(Please Note: I've only read The Frogs so far, which was included in the Little Black Classics) All year I've been reading one of the Little Black Classics each week, with different levels of success. Going into The Frogs, I has no idea what to expect. It turned out to be a play (I like plays), an...
Lysistrata For me the least funny but most interesting of the three plays in this volume. It's full of the same sexual humour as the others and equally preposterous. It's examination of sexual politics is more interesting than its plea for peace with Sparta (perhaps partly because the latter is tr...
(Original Review, 2004-12-02)There was no other sphere in which to be popular: Socrates places himself right at the heart of Athenian politics, that's the point of being Socrates. He attracts pupils and supporters who will play a decisive role in the unfolding tragedy which results in the downfall o...
(Original Review, 2002-06-20)In Taoism the idea of the relativity of judgement is important. So to describe something as heavy is neither true nor false since in different contexts any particular object could be usefully described as both heavy and light.Language uses binary oppositions like heavy/l...
I actually quite like Aristophanes, not because he is a brilliant playwright, though since eleven of his works have survived 2500 years I really do not think that I am in a position to comment on his ability. Obviously there is a reason, and probably a good reason, not only why his plays have manage...