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Arkangel Cast
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BrokenTune rated it 5 years ago
LOUIS THE DAUPHIN There's nothing in this world can make me joy. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale, Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man; And bitter shame hath spoiled the sweet world's taste, That it yields naught but shame and bitterness. Wow. A play dating from 1595 (or 1596) about Eng...
spocksbro rated it 15 years ago
I finished my rereading of The Tempest earlier today. As usual when I reread one of the Bard's plays, I appreciate it more. I can definitely upgrade my initial reaction to a solid 3 stars. It's still not a favorite; many of the qualms I had from my original review remain. Except perhaps at the end w...
spocksbro rated it 16 years ago
Make no mistake, Henry VIII is not a "bad" play. It rates 2 stars only because it doesn't hold up against the 3- and 4-star ratings I've given other Shakespeare plays here on my shelves.The biggest problem Henry VIII has is a lack of focus and/or a central character.In terms of focus, we go from Kat...
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