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Arliss Howard
Arliss Howard's Books
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Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, inc. -> RockChickFairy
Awesome, awesome, awesome story of a boy and the boogeyman. In my mind, I can totally understand how the boy in this story felt.scare factor = 7plot = 8characters = 8 (my fave of course, is the boy)Again, I recommend this to those who are looking for a short, scary read.
Amadan na Briona
Amadan na Briona rated it 12 years ago
My first Elmore Leonard novel. He's a terse, pacey author, and The Hot Kid is pretty much Hollywood in a book, but a nicely-filmed Hollywood with engaging if not terribly deep characters.It's a 1930s gangster piece. Carlos Webster is the son of a wealthy pecan farmer. At 15 he shot a man who was try...
JasonKoivu rated it 12 years ago
William Faulkner consistently delivered the sound and the fury of a prose so powerful, yet subtle, frugal on the one hand and almost extravagant on the other. Like Hitchcock's alluding, don't-show-all style, he gives you snippets of dialogue, flashes of images, and dosed emotion. Much of his most ar...
Bark at the Ghouls
Bark at the Ghouls rated it 21 years ago
The first story “The Man In The Black Suit” tells a dark edged tale laced with grief and centers around a young boy and his fear of losing his Mom. Out fishing one day a boy has a run-in with the devil who attempts to take advantage of his fear. It manages to be creepy, funny, and heartbreaking and ...
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