According to the blurb, this one is a supernatural, horror thriller and I'll admit that it sounded interesting. Supernatural, yes, I'll agree with that. Horror - by definition, horror should cause at least some measure of fear. There was absolutely nothing scary about this story. And as far as the t...
I detest the huge trend toward zombie apocalypse in the last decade or so. My son is enamored with them. My friends look at me as if I have grown two heads when I admit that I haven’t seen the latest episode of whichever zombie television show is ruling the airwaves. I even avoid zombies trending on...
Very good anthology. Some stories were downright creepy. There were a few duds, but that's anthologies. I never read any of the stories, so they were new to me.
This book wound up being painful to read. It started out with a few stories I liked but then bogged down with several that didn't interest me or capture my attention. A few times, I actually dreaded reading more but then another story would entertain me enough to keep going.
Darlene Bobich: Zombie Killer is a novella that packs a lot into its 110 pages. Darlene finds herself alone after the zombieapocalypse claims her only family, her father - as she travels around the US in search of something she never seems quite sure of, she encounters the good, the bad, and the ugl...
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