Arnie Lade RMT, RAC is an internationally known acupuncturist, author and teacher specializing in energetic healing. Arnie has been in practice for more 30 years, having originally trained in Polarity, massage and manipulative therapies before studying acupuncture in China in the early 1980's....
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Arnie Lade RMT, RAC is an internationally known acupuncturist, author and teacher specializing in energetic healing. Arnie has been in practice for more 30 years, having originally trained in Polarity, massage and manipulative therapies before studying acupuncture in China in the early 1980's. More recently, Arnie graduated from the professional Feldenkrais Teacher Training Program in 2001. Arnie is well known for his rich clinical experience and his innovative, eclectic methods of helping clients recover their health and wellbeing, often being able to offer help and hope to many people who've "tried everything".Arnie is also the developer of Somatoenergetics, an integral philosophy and practice of Energy healing, which he teaches professionally. Arnie has an international reputation as a gifted teacher who offers very practical and applicable learning to his students. Arnie maintains a private practice in Victoria, BC, Canada. To learn more about Arnie's work, please visit his website
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