by Peter David
by Peter David There seems to have been an explosion of stories about the Artful Dodger between 2010-2014. Some of them stay true to the characters and events depicted in Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist and others fall somewhat short of the mark, but this one is pure fantasy and clearly intends to b...
Book – ArtfulAuthor – Peter David, Nicole D'Andria, Laura Neubert (Contributor)Star rating - ★★★☆☆Cover – Gorgeous!Would I read it again – Yes!Genre – Comic, Historical, Vampire** COPY RECEIVED THROUGH NETGALLEY **This was a wonderfully authentic take on the Artful Dodger storyline. It had the accen...
My last encounter with the Artful Dodger was a complete disaster, see my review on The Artful. It felt only fair however to give him another chance, as it was my own fault I never read/watched Oliver Twist (and need to admit that I still haven't). I'd almost written that Artful follows a more tra...
Artful by Peter David is a novel which expands on the world of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist by taking a look at the continued life of Jack Dawkins, better known as the Artful Dodger. While it has its high points, the story falters a bit in its execution, but it was still an entertaining read. Her...
In the novel Artful, the author, Peter David asks this very question . . . "Of greater curiosity is this: Why did the adventures of such a memorably described, thoroughly engaging, and far more captivatingly visualized young man – always pictured with a cocky smile and upraised, mocking eyebrow ra...