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Arthur Schopenhauer
Birth date: February 22, 1788
Died: September 21, 1860
Arthur Schopenhauer's Books
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Community Reviews
cjc rated it 9 years ago
Schopenhauer's super smart and all, but man, what a grump.
Nithou's Readings
Nithou's Readings rated it 10 years ago
Essai très intéressant, permettant de décortiquer pas mal de débats politiques et autres, présentant de redoutables moyens d'argumentation lorsque l'on se retrouve au stade de la confrontation verbale. Instructif.
M Sarki
M Sarki rated it 10 years ago
I rate this book two stars because I think "it was OK". I have gladly evolved past the thinking of Arthur Schopenhauer. It puzzles me how a man of serious thought could come up with his ideas regarding women. Seems like common sense may have prevailed no matter the societal norms of his century. I a...
travelin rated it 11 years ago
I never do manage to read all of the essays in any one collection, and it´s because I keep reading the same ones over and over. Schopenhauer is like a little pocket devil who tells you how it really is "On Women" if your better half thrills you into considering some crazy optimistic leap. Is this th...
Khaleel rated it 11 years ago
Schopenhauer have gone mad in his last days , or this book is attributed to him vaguely
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