Arthur W. Wiggins
The universe's workings have always fascinated me, so I suppose it's no wonder I gravitated- eventually- to physics. After a BS in Aerospace Engineering from Notre Dame, I worked as an engineer while pursuing part-time graduate studies at the University of Michigan. One dissertation short of a...
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The universe's workings have always fascinated me, so I suppose it's no wonder I gravitated- eventually- to physics. After a BS in Aerospace Engineering from Notre Dame, I worked as an engineer while pursuing part-time graduate studies at the University of Michigan. One dissertation short of a PhD, I landed a job teaching physics at Oakland Community College. This challenge kept me busy for 37 years, and I enjoyed every nanosecond of it. Interactive lectures, labs, problem-solving sessions, tutoring, even grading essay questions all served to deepen my appreciation of how others also struggle to understand the universe. Often working with my long-term friend Charles M. Wynn, I decided to write books that would help people "get" what science is all about. Since I firmly believe enjoyment and understanding often go hand-in-hand, the books feature cartoons (mostly by Sidney Harris, America's premier science cartoonist), diagrams, accessible language, and occasional mild humor. In retirement, my wife Barbara and I enjoy family, travel, bicycling, bridge, tennis, and those addictive crossword puzzles. There may even be a book or two left . . . Feel free to contact me at with comments or questions.
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