Arundhati Roy
Birth date: 1959-11-24
Arundhati Roy's Books
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I do enjoy Arundhati Roy's writing, but I find it requires a different approach. I often find Asian writers have a slightly absurd, almost shambolic sensibility. Sometimes that sensibility feels light and breezy, but sometimes it doesn't. For me, Roy's is the latter. Her writing is quite dense, so m...
Thanks to NetGalley and Hamish Hamilton (and imprint of Penguin Random House, UK) for providing me with an ARC copy of this novel that I freely chose to review. This is not an easy novel to review. So far I’ve found that with all the novels longlisted for the Man Booker Prize that I’ve read so far. ...
I have to admit that I didn't really get this one. I love Roy's style and enjoyed the book, but I'm not entirely certain I understood it. I think it would make a great book club book for discussion and perspectives because there is so much to digest here. Maybe it'll end up as one of those books tha...
DNF @ 20%. This book and I didn't get off to a great start, and I admit that some of this was due to my own preconceptions. But, I gave it a try. It just didn't work. When at 16% I still felt like it just was not getting any better. The writing style was just aggravating me. I should have...
I wasn't sure what to expect other than everyone raves about this author and I had to sit with it all a while to decide what I really felt about it. It's a powerful book and a little hard to read sometimes but also strangely beautiful. Trigger: death of a child. It's right in the first chapter that ...