The second installment of the Amber series continues the saga of Corwin and his path to the throne of Amber. This story continues to flesh out the concept of Amber and the royal family and gives hints (but no answers) on where they get their power to travel in shadows. I look forward to learning mor...
Reading the series 20 years apart provides an interesting experience. I remember that as a teenager I wanted to be like Corwin, awesome and angry. As a somewhat adult I see the events more differentiated. Corwin does not seem nearly as awesome anymore.
Another fun adventure with Corwin of Amber. The ending was especially compelling and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next. Some of the voice characterizations did seem a bit off but the narrator, Alessandro Juliani, did a great job with Corwin's first person parts.
Barely made it through the story so I'm done with the series. Which is fine. There are too many new releases right now I'd rather be reading. Ultimately, my issues was that I just didn't care if he made it back to Amber or not and all the shadow worlds and adventures on them failed to interest me.
And so continues the misadventures and quest of Corwin, Prince of Amber.It's hard to pinpoint the main plot of this book, as it really just serves as a setup for the next novel in the series. It has several straggling, loose side-stories that barely keep interest and at times even come off as cheap ...
And then I read The Guns of Avalon, part of Zelazny’s Amber series. I can’t make up my mind whether I like them or not. I think I’m coming down on the side of like, but I’m just not sure.
More of the first volume, without the cumbersome amnesia device. Expressly Arthurian, but with guns. More family dramatics. More platonist wanderings, with the fake realities manifesting to the detriment of the Real. More grotesqueries. More surly siblings. Travel sections wrtten with heavy el...
Excellent novel, fantastic series so far too. Am really loving the slow seep of chaos into proceedings. At first it seems the series is just going to be about the various siblings doing battle with each other over control of Amber, but now the good ol' forces of chaos and darkness are raising their ...
The urban fantasy aspect of Nine Princes is lost and mostly replaced with traditional fantasy in Guns of Avalon, but it is still first rate adventure fiction with faster pacing than anything you will find in so-called epic fantasy.
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