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I have to say I was hooked on this story from start to finish. The author threw in plenty of twists and turns among some things that were admittedly a little predictable but not so much so that I was able to see the end from the beginning.Because this is the start of a series, don’t expect a tidy en...
Yes, sadly another one. I made it up to 20%, but now it's enough. It was already tough to read through the first sex scene, as for me it was at least dub-con and I really don't like reading that, especially without any warning. Then the constant browbeating from Terry - yes, that's how I saw it - an...
I nearly didn't finish "Stray" because the narrator seemed such a prick. Then I did something I blush to admit. I read the end of the book and saw who he ended up with.Then it was a case of WTF. So I kept reading. I soon learned that here we had a classic case of the first person unreliable narrator...
4.5 StarsFirst up is Terry, and he is a dick to the nth degree! Normally I like a bit of swagger, a bit of “prickery” if you will but he really takes the cake, and licks his lips after eating it! He is a slut that gives in to his wanton whims all the time, (again, a trait I normally love in my fict...
I loathed Leo. He creeped me out and as a result I couldn't finish the book. He came across as controlling and abusive. Did not finish.