1. Rock stars are often named Gage. 2. Any woman who does in fact eat more than once a week, is apparently a BBW. The other ones are groupies or coke whores.Or both. Unless this is one of the skinny girl books, then she's busy eating burgers every ten minutes, and pining after boobs. Either way, all...
A good short read, a sucubus on her own meets a werewolf, who knows what she is and takes her! It's not exactly love and his not exactly possessive! As he shares with his pack which was damn sexy, but in truth I prefer the man to want to keep his woman to himself. Good build up but ended quickly. ...
[b:The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop|17929987|The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop|Terry Towers|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1368764444s/17929987.jpg|25132171] 2 stars. Review on the book page.