This book broke me. It ripped my heart out and forced me to watch. Maybe some day I'll have coherent thoughts to write up a real review, but not right now. For now I'm just going to mope around and have hardcore book hangover. Willreviewonceheartgrowsback. Recommend.
"The Knife and the Butterfly" by Ashley Hope Pérez is a story about a young man, Azael, whose life has been anything but easy.Since his mother died after giving birth and his father began drinking heavily, Azael and his brother, Eddie, have struggled to raise their baby sister. When their father beg...
Have you ever read a book which you completely understand and relate to, even if it's set into another time, dimension, world? Well, this is that kind of book - the kind where the characters are so real that even if you cannot relate to their situation, you understand and love.Marisa is in her senio...
What Can't Wait by Ashley Hope Perez is a story that will resonate with teens from Texas (the setting of the story) to Chicago (where the second language spoken is Spanish, followed closely by Polish).In this realistic tale, seventeen-year-old Marisa is attending high school, trying to continue gett...