Assia Djebar
Birth date: June 30, 1936
Assia Djebar's Books
J'aime beaucoup ça- la littérature liée à la peinture, la peinture liée à la vie, et les deux utilisées comme fenêtres vers des chambres closes. Il est rare de le trouver explicite à ce point.
I have this as 'read' and 'gave up on ' because I read it a couple of years ago according to my library's records, but obviously it didn't make enough of an impression on me to remember it. This time around I just couldn't seem to get under the skin of it at all...whether it would be different in t...
I have this as 'read' and 'gave up on ' because I read it a couple of years ago according to my library's records, but obviously it didn't make enough of an impression on me to remember it. This time around I just couldn't seem to get under the skin of it at all...whether it would be different in t...
Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade is not a novel, or a memoir or an oral history, though it shares characteristics with all three genres. It's a piece of literature that defies easy categorization. It is, perhaps, best described as a meditation on history (Algeria's in this case), alienation and women...