by Anna Kavan
Many of these stories read as three or four star worthy, but others didn't keep my attention well. I loved the author's "Ice", but I didn't find that magical connection between the book and myself here. I rate it two stars in the Goodreads meaning of "It was OK."
When he was reading this, s.penkevich gave us a quotation:"And it seems both strange and sad to me that all those childish years were spent in preparation for this – that, forgotten by everybody, with a beaten face, I should serve machinery in a place far away from the sun."That did it, I knew I had...
4.5 starsAnna Kavan needs to be more widely read. She is very much a stylistic link between Woolf and Bowen, but perhaps the sheer unclassifiable nature of Kavan’s work—and I’m judging this solely on Asylum Piece and Ice as I’ve not read more just yet—is the cause for the other two writers being bet...
'Asylum Piece', the debut collection of connected stories by Anna Kavan, was the first book by her that I've read. Originally looking for a nice edition of 'Ice', I managed to find this first, and decided to pick it up anyway.A great decision, afterwards, as this modest volume contains a darkly dazz...