by Piper Vaughn
So, it was good but not so good at the same time. Johnny treated the other MC Brennan like crap and frankly did not have enough time to redeem himself in my eyes. The story had an amazing amount of potential actually and I love this author. Just wish it had been longer so that there had been more pa...
3.5~4 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews very quick story is perhaps a study in seduction. Loved it and mostly loved Brennan. His insistence was hilarious having poor Johnny scrambling for some semblance of sanity.Johnny has crushing on Brennan f...
1.5 stars. I don't get what the title or the ominous sounding blurb had to do with this short story. I expected something dark and edgy. Instead, I got an asshole MC and porn with very little plot (and what there was, was cliche and fairly ordinary). Disappointing.
3.5 starsSome Housekeeping:The title - a bit misleading. Other than "Fear Asylum" being the name of the haunted house they run, there's nothing sinister or crazy about this story at all.Haunted houses - has anyone been to the one at Universal Studios? Holy cow...I've never screamed so much in my lif...
2.5 Cute short story. Kinda similar to another short story.
Loved it!! Really. Really. Loved it!