At E.R.O.S
9783404259229 (340425922X)
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Mississippi (#1)
While, yes, the technology is dated, this is pretty believable for the period it was written in (for fiction levels of believable). Harper Cole is a successful commodities trader working from home, also working as a SysOp for EROS a electronic sex site. At the cutting edge of the time. He realise...
Harper Cole is a commodities trader who serves as a systems operator for an exclusive erotic online service at night. The business caters to a rich and famous clientele but recently a stranger has infiltrated the network security and has brutally murdered six clients. Harper comes under suspicion ...
Oh my, EROS? Can we be more subtle? Sorry, i've read some good material from Greg Iles but this one is just too dated and exploitative to keep me going.
I have too long of a to-read list to justify continuing to waste my time with this book.
Yay! Finally finished it. While I can appreciate the quality of the writing - Greg Iles writes beautifully - I struggled to finish this. I've come to the conclusion that I really don't like whole serial killer stalking vulnerable women thing, so this subject matter was a bit too icky for me. On the ...