by Marc Maron
I'm sure this book will polarise listeners / readers. If you have your life all together, then you will most likely thoroughly dislike this needy, self centred and often pathetic man, and hate the book. If however, you have you own special basket of issues you wrestle with on a daily basis, chances ...
A few weeks ago, I heard that pro wrestler CM Punk had been a recent guest on Marc Maron’s WTF Podcast. Being a fan of Punk, I thought this would also be a great opportunity to check out Maron’s podcast. The two talked for over an hour and while there was a lot from Punk that I had heard from prev...
I've never liked fans who find themselves superior to others when they've liked someone or something before it/he/she/they became popular. Some people are lucky enough to discover a talent before everyone else does and feel a kinship to that person when they rise to fame. For me, Marc Maron is one o...
I recently went to see Marc read from this book at the 6th and I synagogue in DC. He told a story about how he turned one chapter into his editor and all the red marks that came back left him feeling a little defeated. So he stopped communicating with the editor until the book was done. He was suppo...
Brutal, raw honesty. That's what I've always liked about Marc Maron's style of stand-up and his book of essays, recounting his rise to success in his own garage, is just a open and sometimes painful to read.