When I saw the cover and the name of this book the first thing i though was that i had to read it, and when i read the summary i couldn't wait to start it. But it wasn't as good as i thought it would be. The storyline and characters were good. I liked Emma and Julian but the story just didn't touch ...
I will give this book props because it is definitely more than a bodice ripping romance novel, however, I just couldn't get into it like I wanted to. I read a ton of other reviews and was hopping from what I had read that it would be more of an Outlander type adventure romance. It wasn't what I wa...
Brutally violent and heartbreakingly honest, a perfect love in imperfect times.
The Duke of Shadows is brilliant. Here I am on the morning of Thanksgiving compelled to write this review. You could say I’m either passionate about my impressions of this book, or as my husband would say, possessed. Either way, here I am.I give this book a solid 4.5 stars. If you ask me why not 5 s...
The Duke of Shadows was a meaty, involving historical romance, the kind I love! I admit I put off reading this book because I wanted to be in the right mood for it. I was hesitant when I started it, feeling it would be too much for me right now. However, it turned out to be a good book to read at ...
Originally posted here.The Duke of Shadows by Meredith Duran is one of those books with such a rich and developed atmosphere that the story immediately sucks you off into another time and place. If you're a fan of historical romance, that statement alone should be enough to make you want to pick thi...
I liked most of the book especially the first half. Overall, I loved the romantic elements and the setting. The storyline was a bit tedious and ended very abruptly, it almost felt like the author was running out of pages so she had to tie up all loose ends quickly.
I'm very conflicted about this one. For the first 3/4ths it was one of the best books I'd ever read. Then the plotting went south on me and the story never really regained its initial hold on my emotions. I'd like to reread it someday.
Meredith Duran and I are just not meant to be. While she seems to be a skilled writer, I never know what her characters are on about. I liked the Duke of Shadows slightly better than the other one by her that I’ve read but still I think Ms Duran and I will just have to start seeing other people. It’...