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God I cannot express my hatred for this book. Alex, at least, was a sweetheart, but I hated Genevieve ALL THROUGHOUT the story. Not so much at the end, but even then she doesn't redeem herslffor being such a bi*** throughout the book.
What I Did For a Duke by Julie Anne Long was a nice refresher from some of the less engaging historical romance novels I’ve been picking up lately. The characters were fascinating and the plot vastly amusing. This is the first book I’ve read by Julie Anne Long (despite the fact that it is the fifth...
I loved the dynamics between Genevieve and Moncrieffe. It was so clear they were meant for each other.They were both intelligent. He was mature, she was clever.Their relationship grew from them truly seeing and knowing each other in a way no one else ever had.And Alex Moncrieffe....YUM.
Couldn't stop thinking about it, so I decided to reread it. I enjoyed it just as much the second time. I love Alex. A mature hero is, unfortunately, a novel thing. also? Sex without love from the heroine. Amazing.
This is one of those magical five star books for me. The witty exchanges between the hero and the heroine delight me on each rereading. I am especially awed by how much I like the book because I don't like revenge plots or love triangles and these themes work brilliantly in this book. I love the h...