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Baby Got Books
Baby Got Books rated it 12 years ago
Fun read with my 8 year old. We're both bummed that we have to wait until fall for the next one.
Raging Biblioholism
Raging Biblioholism rated it 12 years ago
A bit more 3.5 - it feels, at times, like it's largely just set up for the circumstances of the rest of the series, no matter how many shenanigans occur over these 250ish pages - but a solid return from Mr. Snicket, who returns to tell us the story of a different young person than the Baudelaire orp...
The Incredibly Deadly Viper
The Incredibly Deadly Viper rated it 12 years ago
More like 3.5/5.
Chris' Fish Place
Chris' Fish Place rated it 12 years ago
Ah Moxie. How do I love thee? You are far more interesting then the boy named after a fruit. His Gal Friday you are not. You are yourself.Amusing book with the references. Really wish I knew cabbies like Pip and Squeak.
Readundant rated it 12 years ago
Do any actual kids like Lemony Snicket books, or are they only read by hip parents who think that they are the kind of books they want their kids to like?Because, sure, I'd think it was neat if my daughter was into, like, opaquely plotted genre satires stuffed with obtuse narration, whimsical wordpl...
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