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Check out Scott Reads It for more reviews! I think Shiver is the most surprising book I've read all year. For years I have seen Shiver literally everywhere: bookstores, libraries, Goodreads, book recommendations, and so many other places. Yet despite the fact that Shiver is a literary sensation, I w...
I saw this book on a list a long time ago and didn’t think much of it for a while. I figured I’d get around to it eventually. I’m very glad I did. Stiefvater’s wonderful prose was the first thing to draw me in. It’s very melancholy, but beautiful. Once I began, I couldn’t make myself stop. I’m not...
I had been looking for something to read and saw that a friend was reading this so I thought I would give it a try. Not bad! Amazing writing, almost like poetry most of the time. I'm going to keep going with the series if only because I bought all 3 at once. Haha
I missed the Shiver series train when it came out a few years ago and I’ve always been curious about what I missed, so when Amazon was offering the kindle version of the book for a $1.99, I jumped aboard. Reading Shiver was an emotional roller coaster ride, but not always in the way I think the auth...