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The authorAugusten Burroughs is the author of Running with Scissors, Dry, Magical Thinking: True Stories, Possible Side Effects, A Wolf at the Table and You Better Not Cry. He is also the author of the novel Sellevision, which is currently in development for film. The film version of Running with Sc...
Meh.I kind of felt like all he did was combine the most disturbing things he could think of into as few pages as possible for the shock factor rather than tell a story, and the effect was, of course, that nothing was all that appalling. It also was kind of sucky that he spent so little time actually...
Read this awhile back but remember being impressed. I started reading Sedaris after this book and realized that he is similar to Burroughs but with more talent for writing style AND storytelling. Read Sedaris, all his work before bothering with Burroughs... although his stuff was entertaining enough...
Vulgar and crude in a very unlikeable way.
I remember reading this book when it first came out; I hated it. Since then, I've read Dry and Magical Thinking by the same author and I seem to have completely changed my feelings about Burroughs. I have renewed sympathy for him, the byproduct of negligent parents, our consumer-driven society, a fr...