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4.5 Stars First of all, I need to congratulate myself for finishing this book. English isn't my native language, so I'm kind of a hero. Well done, hon.This was such a refreshing reading, with characters worth caring about, definitely something different from what I've been reading lately. Not only b...
Rarely do I come across a book that I find very little in it that I liked. Blood Red Road is an exception. There were so few elements to it that I found enjoyable that I still can not believe I made it to the end. Especially, without the loss of hair or my sanity.I'll start with the writing style....
The narration. The narration! I was stunned and shocked at first - I didn't know if it was just southern or what or just poor attempt of writing in Cormack McCarthy's style - but I learned that the way Saba tells her story is the way that she should tell it. And it fits, and I stopped to even notici...
Big fat DNF. I couldn't bring myself to finish the last 20%. -_-
This is not a review.Not really.This is me expressing my surprise on how good this book is.And yes I HAD super duper high expectations from this book but I have in been in such a down in my head this past week I had seriously started doubting my ability to love anything I read.And I absolutely freak...