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I'm not really sure how to rate this book. I want to give it a good rating, as I enjoyed the first books a lot, especially Delirium. But, this book (especially the ending) was a bit of a let down to be honest. It just ended, and I feel like there should be something more at the end, even just an epi...
"Take down the walls." Oh my goodness, KJDKFGNDSKAGMNL that single sentence! It has a lot of emotion so I just felt the need to say it before I give my verdict on this book. heheHonestly, I liked the ending. It was one of those open-ended stories that doesn't satisfy you but you felt that it was sup...
I just couldn't get past the inconsistancy of the world-building and the obnoxiousness of the main character.
Disappointed! :( 2 stars - only because I've loved the first two books of this series.
2.5 Stars One thing is for sure here: Lauren Oliver is a brave writer. Well, after all the waiting and expectations about this book I must confess: I had a really hard time getting into Requiem's story. Mainly because it's been a long time since I read the second installment of the trilogy, but also...