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I tried the first chapter, and it's just not something I'm interested in reading further. Harry Dresden seems like he has a high propensity to be an asshole. Assholery is fine, if it's written well and there's a point to it. There doesn't seem to be a point to it in Harry's personality though. Not f...
Some will say: since Storm Front is Butcher's first, the writing is amateurish at best. Others will complain about the latent sexism and all the bad tropes from the "Noir" genre. You might find that part of the story is incoherent or makes no sense at all. Worse, characters' motives are made to suit...
Have heard so many great things about this series. It didn't quite live up to my expectations, but it was still a good start to the series.I loved Harry though, his a bit shy, caring, a gentleman and funny. He is a great narrator. Notice how I didn't say smart? That was my problem. Even though he ca...
There wasn't anything terrible about this book, but nothing that really blew my mind either. The book was chosen as a selection for an upcoming book club meeting and, after finishing it, I'm honestly not sure what we're going to talk about! The writing was so-so, the plot was interesting enough th...
Oh I like this one. And the ooooh means I mean it!No, I really do. The main character is awkward enough, clumsy enough and generally human enough to appeal. And I like how he is both an awesomely powerful wizard capable of so much, while at the same time being several kinds of dorky and human.I also...