You know what you are getting with a Stephanie Plum/Janet Evanovich comic romance mystery, and this book is no exception. The formula may be getting a little worn and the characters may continue to move further into caricatures, but when your mood is right this series is still a fun escape.
How I've missed the crazy antics of Stephanie, Lula, and Grandma. Those three (mostly Lulu and Grandma) leave me in stitches every time they grace the pages. This was another fun addition to this series, even if it wasn't the best one. Lots of laughs from beginning to end.We actually get to see a...
Sigh, a quickie since yeah they are all the same.Plot: They need to save Vinnie cos else they will have no jobs. So Steph looses a car again, Lula shoots at people again and they have to pick up grandma from the funeral parlour again. And attend Hobbit con.Characters:I do love Stephanie, she is alwa...
Here I show my true colors: I cannot resist the latest Stephanie Plum book. Go ahead and call me crass, call me uncultured, but it’s a fact: I live for the next Plum mystery. I loved sixteen just as I loved thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and I can’t wait for seventeen.
So not much character progression. For this reason I give it only 3 stars. There were 2 or 3 laugh out loud moments. JE is good at those. I enjoyed the mystery and issue that needed to be solved. Kind of different for the Plum series so that was nice. There is a strong question of where Stepha...