On the Edge by Ilona Andrews is the story of the space between two worlds, one magical and one not, and the tough village that lives there, minding their own business, until good and evil have to bring all of their drama to the Edgers’s lives. It doesn’t help that the good guy is so dang hot! I love...
Original review: http://onabookbender.com/2012/06/11/review-edge-ilona-andrews/Declan is naughty. I just reread the last few pages of this book before I started by review, and that’s what I thought upon finishing. It has little bearing on this review, though. Well, unless you like your heroes a l...
Ilona Andrews (writing team of Ilona and Gordon) caught and kept my interest when I read Magic Bites. I liked the distinctive voice I saw in that story, one that has stayed true in the subsequent stories that I have read by this team. With On the Edge, they have continued that excellence, providing...
This was very different from the Kate Daniels series. Different in a good way. I love Ilona Andrews’ imaginative world building. The Edge is a world sandwiched between our world known as The Broken because no magic works and The Weird a place where the blueblood magical aristocrats live. The Weird i...
I really enjoyed it this book. It was fast paced, it got witty, it had such a great kick-ass heroine and an world I longed to explore. I was quite taken.The world is not what it seems, there is our world, The Broken, the place between called The Edge and then there is The Weird were magic roams free...
I follow Ilona Andrews' blog religiously. I'm a huge fangirl of her Kate Daniels series and am anxiously awaiting book 4. I wasn't sure what to expect from this new series, but it was getting such great reviews I decided to give it a go. I liked it!Rose Drayton is kind of like a magical hilbilly. S...
****NO WORRIES. I DON'T SPOIL BOOKS.**** So, this book was interesting... It's kind of like a Chia pet. You don't know exactly what it is, but you keep coming back to it for hours and hours of entertainment. Is this book a romance? Yes. Is it an Urban Fantasy? Yes. Is it Western-y? Kinda sorta in a ...