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Community Reviews
Horrorvacui000 rated it 14 years ago
3.5 I liked the last book better. This one was interesting. I look forward to seeing what type of trouble Rachel gets into next.
AH@BadassBookReviews rated it 15 years ago
Action, magic, witches, weres, vampires, and more.....Rachel Morgan is one plucky witch. I am really enjoying this series. This book felt like a roller coaster ride. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.On a side note, I did notice quite a few spelling errors in the text. Things like des...
Jennifer's Books
Jennifer's Books rated it 15 years ago
I’m really conflicted about this book. Parts of it I really liked, other parts had me rolling me eyes hard enough to make my head hurt. My initial thoughts was to give the book two stars, but Jenks…Jenks earned the book another star. I apologize if this review is messy and incoherent. The sto...
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