I’ve made my case for why I like steampunk in a few other reviews, and so I’m surprised that it’s taken me a while to read this. This collection is actually a really good starter for those wanting to get into the world of clockwork hats and googles and souped-up Victoriana. What also helps here is t...
Short story anthologies are always interesting: there are always a few that are completely amazing, and I'm always introduced to some authors and stories that I would have never picked up on my own.In my experience, the short stories in anthologies like this also always seem a bit...weirder? More "o...
More YA steampunk! Please! One thing that I realized after finishing this was that there is simply not enough in the way of YA steampunk, or maybe I’m seriously out of the loop. In which case I plan on finding some and devouring them as soon I get the chance. This was almost like one of those really...
Review: As always with anthologies, I’ll give each story its own rating, and the book’s rating will be the average.When I first heard about this, I knew I wanted to read this. Steampunk is a rising genre that I can’t get enough of. Seeing familiar and new authors tackle it should be good. And then w...
LOVED IT, SOME STORIES MORE THAN OTHERSThis book is a compendium of stories by some of my favorite authors. Each ones is a complete story in just a few pages, but a few of them, I would really liked to see developed further. There are also several manga-type stories that are incredibly well done. ...
There were some really great stories in here, and some not so great ones. I honestly bought it just to read Cassandra Clare and Holly Black''s stories, and they didn't disappoint. I enjoyed many of the other ones too. Overall it was a great anthology. The cover is really nice too. If you like these ...