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I can't do it. This is too jumbled and confusing. 3+ hours into the audio - I give. This isn't for me.
I really wanted to like this book, but it was just terrible. The dialogue was awful; it just didn't sound natural. The main character of the book was annoying and not likable. Really none of the characters were likable. Once again there was the obligatory forced romance which I am really getting sic...
The idea behind this book is interesting, and I think I could have enjoyed it a lot more if it didn't suffer from the weird, stilted romance, and the shaky world building. The Ward is a dystopian novel that takes mixes two staples of mankind's story-telling - the Great Flood myth, and the search for...
At a Glance:The Ward was a high adrenaline story that had all the elements that make you feel things in books. There were car races and chases, government conspiracies, cities covered in undrinkable water, loves that rival any I've read about, and huge surprise that completely changes what you thou...
2.5 starsThe cover to this book is what originally drew me in and had me begging to read it. Sadly, the contents of the this is not as striking as its cover. The Ward by Jordana Frankel was a book I wanted to love so bad, but it failed to meet any of my expectations. What I did like:
Main character...