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An American Aussie's Imaginarium
An American Aussie's Imaginarium rated it 12 years ago
Review to come...
Effortlessly Reading
Effortlessly Reading rated it 12 years ago
My Rating: 4.0 When I first laid my eyes upon Dearly, Departed, it was love at first sight. A gothic Victorian cover with different shades of pink, a girl with a parasol on the front cover, and a thick book unlike all those ultra thin books that come out these days that gets passed for "trilogies", ...
Speculating on SpecFic
Speculating on SpecFic rated it 12 years ago
Now we've really seen it all, haven't we? Girls falling for the undead isn't new (vampires anyone?) but when I heard about Dearly, Departed, I was sceptical about how the author would go about writing a romance between a young, healthy girl and a dead guy. Fear not, Dearly, Departed is actually quit...
Reflections rated it 12 years ago
Dearly, Departed has to have one of the best built-world settings. It’s 2195 and while much of the Earth has been destroyed the survivors think they have things in control. They live in New Victoria, a high tech society modeled on the elaborate social conventions and fussy fashions of Queen Victoria...
Tiana Smith
Tiana Smith rated it 12 years ago
I don't know what I was expecting ... but it wasn't the zombie apocalypse! LOL. This book is gritty, gruesome and not something I'd recommend for younger audiences (lots of language, body parts being hacked off, etc.), but I found myself strangely fascinated. It's depicted well, and the different PO...
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