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You can also read this review on Flying-Kick-a-Pow! Reviews.It was natural for sons to worship their fathers, anyway. And when the father in question was a charismatic dragon who taught his child that society's rules did not apply to him, that other people were either chattel or prey, that the world...
This is the book I wanted when I picked up I am not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells. I did guess who it was early on in the book. This is due to my habit of always expecting twists. [spoiler] Knowing that who it was new to town and did not know Jazz beforehand I just suspected the least likely of the...
Actual rating: 4.5A dark psychological thriller. I have to admit, this wasn't what I expected. Given the premise, I anticipated something more flimsy, something along the lines of Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective. I got a young Dexter/John Cleaver, with considerably more emotional baggage. This boo...
I've had friends jokingly tell me that I rate EVERYTHING a 3. I find, so often, that books that are super popular and everyone is screaming about are just kinda okay for me. It makes me wonder if maybe I'm too picky or if I'm missing something, some connection, that everyone else is getting. But the...
Not for the faint-hearted, but a must for those who love horror/dark reads. I'm looking forward to the next book, that's for damn sure.