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My Never Ending List
My Never Ending List rated it 12 years ago
Jeff is in the psych ward at the hospital and he has no idea how he got there. He swears he is a normal kid and that he doesn’t belong among all the “freaks”. But he’s there and from page one, I was laughing as Jeff was narrating the circumstances that are surrounding his ordeal and how everything ...
justinexorable rated it 13 years ago
Actual Rating: 3.5 StarsVery character-driven, but because of that I saw a lot of crutches used. Still not sure what I think about the conclusion.Full review to come.
Elena Likes Books
Elena Likes Books rated it 13 years ago
If you're going to read this book, I am of the opinion that you should go into it knowing absolutely nothing about its contents other than that it is about a 15-year-old boy who is in a psych ward after attempting to commit suicide, and that said boy has a very smart alecky voice. Don't read the jac...
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