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Sophie rated it 13 years ago
When I read this, I was in 8th grade and in bed sick and spent the entire day reading this book. I absolutely loved it! I'm curious what I'll think of it now.
Elena Likes Books
Elena Likes Books rated it 14 years ago
I like this book, but every time I read it I find myself absolutely squirming in sympathetic embarrassment. For someone who cares so much about what other people think, Mel sure does make a fool out of herself a lot.
inconceivably rated it 15 years ago
Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith is one of those books that has been sitting on my shelves unread for years. I’m glad I finally picked it up! I always really enjoy reading older young adult fantasy, and this one was no exception. While the world building left a lot to be desired, I fell completely in lo...
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