The title of this story says it all. Part two of book one picks off right where part one left off. Kit is still trying to avoid being killed. She's now learned a lot more about these Aramanthans. They are pretty frighteningly powerful as well as megalomaniacs. She is ill prepared to deal with t...
In case the "Part 2" part didn't clue you in, you MUST read Part 1 first or else you're going to be hella lost.Still. ZOMG LOVED IT. Full review to follow.
*Genre* Alt-History, Steampunk, Urban Fantasy*Rating* 4.0*Thoughts*Her Ladyship's Curse, along with His Lordship Possessed are two separate parts of the same novel, Disenchanted & Co., which will be released together January 28th, 2014 by Pocket Books. Since both parts intersect with the other, I a...
Quite nice.It would have been nicer if it wasn't split in two (or three?) books, but I suppose that's a marketing-related decision.