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Autumn Doughton
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Community Reviews
SoBe rated it 12 years ago
meh...it was a decent read, but not as good as [b: In This Moment|17861295|In This Moment|Autumn Doughton|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1368752504s/17861295.jpg|25007182] which I'm really glad I read first. I'm not sure if it was because I'll Be Here, didn't have the alternating viewpoi...
Vangie's Book List
Vangie's Book List rated it 12 years ago
3.5/5. Very sweet and fluffy HS/college romance. That UST between the main characters was very steamy. The story could've been more emotional, or deeper, but if you're looking for a light read this is it.
rdrherrera rated it 12 years ago
quick fun read
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